Thursday, August 26, 2010


A few photographs of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Doggett Sr. and family

above photo left to right clockwise (email me ? Aunt Marian maybe?), Norman, Alice, Hugh Jr. and Hugh Sr. in front)

Although Grandmother Alice had written "George" on the back of this photo, I am not sure who George is?  Can someone tell me who this young fellow is?

©   Debra Frieden

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

John Doget born England about 1240 married Agnes

Updated. Link to excellent book of our Doggett Daggett family history by our own ancestor. Scanned and readable online. FREE!


What to post next?

I have been trying to decide how I am going to grow this blog.  I want to add photographs, and the stories that come with them......but where to start?  I am thinking on it......and will try to have something new, creative, and organized soon.  I haven't given up.  It's just been a busy Summer.  I hope all my Doggett Family relatives are doing well.

I've even found a few of you on facebook.  How wonderful! 

You may find me there under "Debra Hill Frieden"