Sunday, September 30, 2012

Doggett Oblesks - Tombstones in the film "The Jackal"

Heads up Doggett/Scott's! We were watching the film "The Jackal" with Richard Gere, Bruce Willis and Sidney Poitier. At the very end of the film are two very large Doggett tombstone markers (obelisks).  This is in the very last end scene when they bury the Jackal (Willis' character) in a cemetery near a dump site.  Richard Gere and Sidney Poitier are walking out of the cemetery. Slow, and not to be missed they pass two large tombstones clearly marked "Doggett." Does anyone know where these are??? And who they belong to? Which Doggetts. I know they are ours!
They filmed in Richmond, Virginia, and Arlington Cemetery I believe, but I still do not know exactly where this location is.  
If you know the answer to this riddle, please email me!  I will post!

1 comment:

  1. Hollywood Cemetery - Richmond VA
