Monday, November 8, 2021

Benjamin Doggett Colonial Clergy Church Lancaster Virginia Descendant Richard Scott Hill and Scotty Scott (Norman Scott) visit location.

Christ Church/First Church of Christ Church Parish in Lancaster County, Virginia.

The Reverend Benjamin Doggett was the first Rector, who was sent over from England by the Church of England in the 1600's.  

Cousins Richard Scott Hill and Scotty Scott (Norman Scott) stand in the church where their ancestor Benjamin Doggett was the first Reverend and Rector of Christ Church Lancaster, VA.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Thomas Doggett Born Virginia VA - Army Lists Documents

Thomas Doggett,  born Virginia / VA - Army Lists

 detail above

Elmor - Elmour -Elmore Doggett Revolutionary War Documents

I have only found 2 so far.  NSDAR DAR members may want to start proving his line.  I have found NO Doggetts proven (at this time) in the GRS Ancestor files.

Elmore Doggett Will Abstract Link

Click this Link to go to the Elmore Doggett Will Abstract - Book Link - Lancaster Co. Virginia

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hugh Doggett Scott Jr. & Valley Forge

Be sure to click to enlarge each image to read them.  Especially the speech given by President Ford, when he acknowledges Uncle Hugh.  The Bill was signed on George Washington's desk.

S. Taylor Scott Sr.

S. Taylor Scott Sr.

photo courtesy of Norm Scott and his dad Norman Scott

Captain Hugh Stevens Doggett Payment Voucher 1861 CSA

October 31, 1861
Click Image to Enlarge

Hugh Stevens Doggett Promoted to Captain December 12, 1861

Promoted to Captain December 12, 1861

Hugh Stevens Doggett Absent on Surgeon's Certificate since March 3 1863

Captain Doggett was talked about by Uncle Hugh (Doggett Scott), Uncle Norman (C. Scott) my father (Richard) and others being wounded in the Civil War.  The story was that Captain Doggett said, as they were taking him away from the battlefield suffering a "gut wound;" "My guts are draggin' the ground boys, but keep on shootin'" whether this is verbatim is to be debated.

The second family story was he was wounded at the Battle of Antietam (near Sharpsburg Maryland) which was in September of 1962.  Antietam has a different date than this particular medical leave above.  However, the family story is, Captain Doggett was shot 3 times.  What I am not sure of, if this was at one battle, or over a series of battles.

Now it's your turn to help me get the facts straight.

What have you heard?  Email the stories to me at, and I will hunt down the medical record during that date.  If I can match the two - actual document date with family story, we can prove fact from fiction! 

Hand Written Letter from Captain Hugh Stevens Doggett 1864 inquiring about family after Battle of Fredericksburg

This is a hand writtenlLetter from Captain Hugh Stevens Doggett Confederate States of American, 1864, inquiring about family after the Battle of Fredericksburg.

My cousin Norm Scott and I tried to translate it, by lightening the image.

If you can help us fill in a blank, please PLEASE help us do so, so we can discover the full intention of his letter.

This is in archives, and I discovered a digital file.  I do not own the original.  The original was very  dark.  What you see here is a lightened version, it in hopes we could fill in the blanks.

This is what we could decifer:

"Camp Lee June 7 - 64
Capt. __ Patterson

Capt, My family are in Fredericksburg and from what I have heard of the (pillage?) of the place, may be in_________& dry [garretts] or [garments] who are aged & infirm living between Fred & Spotsylvania Ct. -----robbed of everything & are without sustenance, my brothers who had aided them in so____  ___ _____have been carried off the_______by the enemy. I feel it my duty to look after them if I can.  I would therefore respectfully ___absence for twenty days!
Respectfully Yours,
HS Doggett Capt.
Co B Ba 30 Reg
on duty with P&E Prison"  -   [Prisoners and Exchange]

click image to enlarge

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Guide to the Papers of Hugh Scott, 1905-1994


A Guide to the Papers of Hugh Scott, 1905-1994

A Collection in
The Special Collections Department
Accession Number 10200-ae


Acquisition Information

This collection was given to the Library by Elizabeth Ann [Mrs. Norman C.] Scott, sister-in-law of Hugh Scott, on September 24, 1994. 

     Scope and Content Information

This collection consists of ca. 1,000 items, ca. 1905-1994, pertaining to the life and career of Hugh Scott, and including biographical and personal information on Scott and his wife Marian Huntington Chase Scott. Included are correspondence, notes and other papers, magazine and newspaper clippings, printed documents and other material, and photographs.

Correspondence, 1915-1926, includes letters between Hugh Scott, his brother Norman C. Scott and sister Alice Mitchell Scott, and their father, Hugh Doggett Scott, and his wife whom they address as "mother." The family letters are heartfelt and loving and usually concern news of the family and personal matters; the father's letters to his son are full of praise and show great pride. A letter, January 29, 1922, from Hugh Scott, 24 East Lawn, University of Virginia, comments on various topics: Hugh Black, the evangelist, speaking to the students; Melissa Bradford's graduating from Randolph Macon Women's College and visiting him at the university; and, twenty-five inches of snow in Charlottesville. Other topics mentioned include: a visit from Lloyd George and his family (November 5, 1923); the movie filmed in Fredericksburg, the "Steadfast Heart" (November 10, 1923); the upcoming marriage of Hugh Scott and Marian Huntington Chase (February 18, 1924); Hugh Scott's mother, Scott's intentions to marry Marian Huntington Chase, and movie actors at the Kiwanis Club (May 23, 192[ ]); and, mid-winters at the University of Virginia (Wednesday).

Correspondence, 1935-1986, includes letters between Hugh Scott, his brother Norman C. Scott and his wife Elizabeth Ann Scott, and the Scott brothers' parents. These letters contain discussion of Scott's career and travel activities. A letter, September 9, 1935, discusses a sensational investigation of the magistrates of the city of Philadelphia by the district attorney's office. A letter, May 21, 1939, on letterhead "Cunard White Star 'Georgic,'" details the travel plans of Hugh and Marian Scott and their daughter "Marnie" in and around Europe, and mentions stays in various cities of England, Scotland, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Yugoslavia. There are three letters, July-August 1941, from Scott onboard the U. S. S. New Mexico, mentioning various activities on the ship, a ride in a seaplane, and the probability of being transferred to the Mississippi. Two letters in 1945 from Scott discuss activities in the Pacific. The letter of July 5, 1945 discusses an impending operation in which Scott will have several vessels under his charge as press boats and his philosophical thoughts on the war. The letter of November 9, 1945, "en route Yokohama to Oahu," discusses his future plans including a brief stay in Pearl, [Hawaii] and doing a job in Washington at the request of the admiral; mentions his thoughts on the tour and the ship Calvert; and mentions a trip into unoccupied Japan and thoughts on the Japanese people and their attempts to re-build. There is a brief letter, November 24, 1955, from Hugh and Marian Scott, written on a "Thanksgiving Day Menu/Military Sea Transportation Service/Pacific Area," mentioning their crossing the International Date Line and staying in Japan, Bangkok, Hongkong, and Hawaii. A January 19, 1961 letter encloses a copy of a letter from Admiral Clifton and an article concerning a downed U. S. Navy transport plane in Shikoku, Japan. In a November 26, 1964 letter, Scott writes from Honolulu, Hawaii, relating his and Marian's travel plans for New Zealand and Fiji and mentioning a dinner with governor-elect of Washington state, Dan Evans, and his wife. Letters of February 3, May 31, and August 10, 1967 mention various subjects: meeting Priscilla Holcombe Hall, wife of the Consul General at Jerusalem, at the American Club in Tokyo; the offer of a Fellowship at Balliol [College at Oxford University, England]; plans to attend a dance at the Nelson Rockefellers on June 9th; and, writing books. There is a letter, n.d. [early 1970s?] from Alice Mitchell Scott Hill on letterhead "Crosley Broadcasting of Atlanta, Inc.," discussing some of her activities in children's television and mentioning her husband T. Gardner Hill and son Richard being loved by the family. A letter of December 8, 1975 from Scott to his brother and wife, Norman and Beth, encloses the congressional record and a statement concerning Scott's retirement at the end of the term. A letter, "Tuesday," from Alice Mitchell Scott Hill, discusses politics and the 'Hugh Scott Republicans.'

There are photographs of Hugh Scott at various stages of his life, including childhood pictures and with his wife Marian. He is also pictured with political figures including Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Barry Goldwater, and others. There is an autographed photograph of Dwight D. Eisenhower and a copy of an autographed photograph of Hugh Scott and George Bush, 1993, inscribed "To my respected friend Sen. Hugh Scott with lasting pride in you. Your friend, George Bush." One of the oversize group photographs also includes Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Marian Scott, and the Nixon children.

The political papers, 1939-1990, contain printed materials on the legal and political career of Scott, and includes newsletters, congressional records, and campaign material. Attached to a June 21, 1972 letter are Scott's reports on the China trip and a "Statement of Senator Mike Mansfield (D., Montana)/Journey to the New China." There is a typed draft of a statement, August 1974, by Scott concerning Watergate and the resignation of President Richard Nixon. Two leather bound copies of "Tributes to the Honorable Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania in the United States Senate/Upon the Occasion of his Retirement from the Senate," September 22, 1976, are contained.

The travel notes contain detailed writings and letters on naval, political, and personal trips from 1941-1972. There are "diary notes" of Scott during incognito service, onboard the U. S. S. New Mexico, July- August 1941; these detail chiefly social and naval activities en route to and in Iceland and the Arctic Circle. There is a printed Navy Day Pictorial, Octopuss, October 27, 1945. Notes on a trip to England and Normandy during service, June-July 1944, chronicle daily activities. There are a group of letters, October 17, October 21, and November 4, 1945, from Scott in Japan to his wife while awaiting orders near the end of the second world war; these letters discuss social and naval activities, Douglas Southall Freeman being in Tokyo, and being ordered to Pearl, Hawaii, and describe in detail a harrowing trip to Southern Honshu. There are letters and notes, November-December 1959, concerning travel to Australia; Bangkok, Thailand; Bombay and Calcutta, India; Tokyo, Japan; Hong Kong and Taiwan, Asia; Saigon, Vietnam; Cairo, Egypt;Jerusalem, Israel; Kenya, Africa; Salisbury, Rhodesia; and, Capetown, South Africa. Letters and writings while on a fellowship at Balliol College at Oxford University, England in October-November 1967 are quite descriptive and entertaining. There are copies of letters, April 1972, concerning the trip to China.

If you are wanting to access this collection, here is the link to locate this information, access, etc.;query=Hugh%20Scott%20Alice%20Scott;brand=default

Thursday, December 6, 2012

9th Great Grandfather, Jamestown Virginia Settler, John Burrows (Burruss)

John Burrows (1630 - 1705)
is your 9th great grandfather
John Burrus (1660 - 1705)
Son of John
Charles Burrus (1678 - 1745)
Son of John
Samuel Burrus (1730 - 1777)
Son of Charles
Charles Burruss (1752 - 1805)
Son of Samuel
William Chiles Burruss (1779 - 1846)
Son of Charles
Sarah Adeline Burruss Doggett (1814 - 1885)
Daughter of William Chiles
Fannie Adaline Doggett (1848 - 1904)
Daughter of Sarah Adeline Burruss
Hugh Doggett Scott (1873 - 1952)
Son of Fannie Adaline Doggett
Children of Hugh Doggett Scott and descendants start here, and move through this line to prove your Jamestown Virginia Ancestor 

John Burrows

Your 9th great grandfather
Birth 1630 in England, United Kingdom
Death 1705 in Jamestown, James City, Virginia, United States
 BIOGRAPHY: Notes for JOHN BURROUGHS BURROWS BURRUSS: John Burrowes (Burruss) came to Virginia in 1608 with the Second Supply. He was financed by the Englishman, Robert Gaile, who petitioned the Virginia Company in London England to give satisfaction, because he had made no return on his investment in John Burrowes' adventure. 
John apparently survived the "Starving Times" , when most of the early settlers perished. When the census of 1624 was taken in Jamestown, Burrowes was living at his plantation called "Burrowes Mount" and sometimes known as Burrowes Hill.
In August of 1626 he petitioned the Royal Governor to "seat himself" upon the neck of land near James City so he may care for cattle due his ward, Mara Buck, daughter of Richard Buck. 
John Burrowes married Bridgett also a daughter of Richard Buck John Burrows sold Burrows Hill (Burrows Mount) to John Smith.
In the muster of 1624/25, John Smith and his wife Susanna, along with son Francis age one year, were listed as living at Burrows' Hill.
William and Mary Quarterly Vol 16, page 222, 223. 20 September 1628, Book 1, page 62 Izabella Perry wife of Wm. Perry, 500 acres in James City bounded on the west by land of John Burrowes now in the tenure of John Smith. Virginia Historical Magazine the following is taken: Vol 16, page 12 - The Territory of Tappahanna over against James City, John Burrows has 150 acres planted. Vol 19, page 235.
Mrs. Bridget Broomfield, late widow of John Burrows has been one of the guardian of the children of Rev. Richard Buck. It further states that Christopher Burroughs and Benoni Burroughs are likely related. Vol 19, pge 388.
John Burrows, Gentleman has a plantation called Burrows Hill on the south side of the river near Paces Plains where he implanted six men. The Original Lists OF PERSONS OF QUALITY Lists of the Living and Dead in Virginia Febr: 16th 1623 MRS. BURROWS. MR. JOHN BURROWS. ANTHONY BURROWS. John Burrowes was fatally stabbed January 1, 1627/28 "in the belly below the navel by William Reade, a 14 year old laborer, who was convicted of manslaughter but pled benefit of clergy in the house of Benjamin Jackson at Blunt Point in Warwick, Virginia Records of the Virginia County 1, page 536. Patent Book 1, page 62 Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Volume I - IV--Burgesses and Other Prominent Persons John Burrows patented about 1624 150 acres on the south side of the James river above Jamestown and called his place "Burrows Hill."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

US Senator Hugh Doggett Scott Jr. with cousin President George H. Bush in the Oval Office.

"To my respected friend Sen. Hugh Scott with lasting pride in you.  Your friend, George Bush"
Uncle Hugh, with his distant cousin, President George H. Bush, in the Oval Office.

They are both seated neatly, under a painting of our shared distant relative, President George Washington.

Hugh Doggett Scott (through Lewis), Debra Frieden (through Haynie), George H. Bush, are related to George Washington.

 Uncle Hugh's father is Hugh Doggett Scott Sr.  His mother was Ms. Jennie Lee Lewis.  She died at a young age.  This line leads to Fielding Lewis. 

Hugh Doggett Sr. remarried, Lola Fitzallen Haynie of Lively, Lancaster County, Virginia.  Lola Fitzallen Haynie is descended from the Washington and Ball family lines.  This fact makes our history interesting because, Hugh Doggett Sr. chose wives who were both related to the Washington/Ball families of Virginia.  Therefore, we are all related to George Washington and family, in some capacity.

I am born of the Hugh Doggett Scott Sr. and Lola Fitzallen Haynie union, I follow the line to Washington through Haynie.  This would apply to any and all bloodline descendants of Alice Scott Hill or Norman Cunningham Scott.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Families of Virginia - Great grandfathers Fitzhugh and Burrows

William Fitzhugh and John Burrows/Burrass/Burruss/Burroughs (variable spellings) are my 7th Great Grandfathers of Jamestown, Virginia.  They are considered accepted first families of Virginia surnames which coordinate with the requirements (dates of arrival, Virginia Co., etc.).

I hope to eventually prove the lines so I might become a future member of the Jamestown Society as well as The Daughters of the American Revolution.

I am in the "proving" stages for D.A.R. for Patriot Peregrine Fitzhugh. I will keep you posted on progress.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hugh Doggett Scott and Lola Haynie Scott's: various photos of their children.

Hugh Doggett Scott Jr., Anne Lee Cunningham, and Prince photo    
Hugh Doggett Scott Jr. photo

back row:  Hugh Doggett Scott Sr. (right), Lola Haynie Scott (center) with Hugh Doggett Scott Jr. (back left)
front row: Alice Mitchell Scott (front left) and Norman C. Scott (front right)

Thank you Norm Scott and his dad, Scotty Scott. - Back in the family: Texan purchases historic house - Back in the family: Texan purchases historic house

Hugh Doggett Scott Sr. - childhood photo

Hugh Doggett Scott Sr.

 Thank you Norm Scott and Scotty Scott.

Possible Jamestown Heritage through Fannie Doggett - Hugh Doggett Scott Sr.

Jamestown Heritage Possible
 Fannie Doggett - Hugh Doggett Scott Sr.

YES, you can help prove this.  If you want to help start collecting paper proofs to document one generation to another, feel free to jump on board this heritage quest.  

Yesterday I was watching a National Geographic documentary on Netflix about Jamestown.
My dad, Richard Hill was over for the holiday.  We were talking heritage, history, and our fortunate lineage to Virginia families. He asked me to see who our oldest Ancestor was on my family tree.

During the search on American soil, I found John Burrows, or variable spelling of Burruss, Burrus, Burroughs, Burrows, Burrowes who not only settled in Jamestown, but leased or sold his land lot to John Smith of the famous  Pocohontas stories. 

I am focused on my Daughter's of the American Revolution proofs right now, but I did want to post this, in case anyone out there who is descended from the Scotts, were interested in this lineage lead, and wanted to pursue it.

Jamestown Society
There is a heritage society with regards to Jamestown Ancestors, you may join if in fact, we can prove it.  Remember leads are not proof.  You have to link one generation to another through a paper trail.

Here is what I have, but remember this is a loosely tethered and unproven line.   I have not double checked all the lineage facts with proofs. does frequently have mis-information added by others.  I will get to this much later.  Posting while it is on my mind.


John Burrows of Jamestown
 Fannie Doggett Scott & Hugh Doggett Scott, Sr.  line.  

You need to pick up from a common ancestor.


John Burrows (1630 - 1705)
is my 9th great grandfather (Debra)
John Burrus (1660 - 1705)
Son of John Burrows/Burruss/Burrows/Burroughs
Charles Burrus (1678 - 1745)
Son of John Burrus
Samuel Burrus (1730 - 1777)
Son of Charles
Charles Burruss (1752 - 1805)
Son of Samuel Burrus
William Chiles Burruss (1779 - 1846)
Son of Charles Burruss
Sarah Adeline Burruss Doggett (1814 - 1885)
Daughter of William Chiles Burruss
Fannie Adaline Doggett (1848 - 1904)
Daughter of Sarah Adeline Burruss
Hugh Doggett Scott (1873 - 1952)
Son of Fannie Adaline Doggett

SCOTT BROTHERS aka ELK BROTHERS The Freelance Star 1953


Scott Brothers & Elk Members.

The Free Lance Star, Fredericksburg, VA dated 1953. 

The original article has a very dark photo of all the brothers together, hands clasped in front of them, which was located above the Caption, "ELK BROTHERS."  It was poor quality, so omitting here.

I cannot remove the blue highlight over the title.  FYI

Saturday, November 10, 2012

On the trail of Pocahontas Ancestry

Mary Anna Randolph Custis who married Robert E. Lee is the granddaughter of William Fitzhugh and Ann Bolling Randolph of Chatham Manor in Fredericksburg, Va. It was built by William Fitzhugh and played an important part in the Civil War. Visitors included Washington, Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, Lincoln, Walt Whitman and Clara Barton served there when it was Union hospital during the Civil War. Fitzhugh descends from Robert King Carter and Judith Armistead-and his wife, of course, was a Randolph-daughter of Peter Randolph and his wife Lucy Bolling. Her line descends from Pocahontas

Patriot Raleigh Carter son of Thomas Carter and Sarah Haynie

  • Raleigh Carter (1740-1820)
  • During the Revolution Raleigh Carter was one of numerous patriots from Virginia who furnished supplies to the Continental Army, as reflected in the Court Records of Amelia County. As the owner of a large and successful plantation in Amelia County he was in a position to make this necessary contribution to win his country's freedom. Raleigh Carter was one of the sons of Thomas Carter, of Christ Church parish, Lancaster, Virginia, and his first wife Sarah Haynie. Raleigh was born in Lancaster about 1740 and died in Nottoway County prior to 1820, leaving numerous and prominent descendants. Raleigh Carter was married twice, first in Lancaster to Sarah Sharpe and next to Lucy Anne Crenshaw, daughter of William Crenshaw of Nottoway County. Between the date of his first and second marriages, in 1772, Raleigh Carter removed from Lancaster, to what was then Amelia County. In 1782 Raleigh Carter was a justice of the Amelia County Court, and doubtless continued as such until Nottoway County was formed. In 1792 he was High Sheriff of Nottoway. The family bible was burned during the Civil War and likewise most of the early records of Nottoway County, so that it is impossible to get a complete account of Raleigh Carter's children, and the date of his death. Raleigh Carter was the first of three generations of Carters to own Plentiful Level, a 1,690-acre plantation in Amelia County, Virginia.

Thursday, November 8, 2012



**This is an incomplete list - It is a work in progress.

***ancestor line is stated in parenthesis to the right of each line item.  For example:  (Doggett/Scott) or (father/Sevier/Fuller) so you may determine which ancestor line applies to you.
***each Ancestor has been confirmed via the Daughters of the American Revolution and their Ancestor # is noted.
****How to determine the technical "great" number of your Grandfather.  You will have to add or subtract a number depending on your generation.  My father would be minus 1 on each line.  My children would be plus 1, ie:  My 6th Great Grandfather would be my children's 7th Great Grandfather. My 6th Great Grandfather would be my father's 5th Great Grandfather....and so it goes.

  1. CLARK, JOHN JONATHAN (1725-1799)- my 6th Great Grandfather (confirm data)
  2. CLARK, WILLIAM H. (1757-1843) - my 5th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR # A022774 (through father/Sevier/Fuller)
  3. CLEVELAND, BENJAMIN - my 6th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR# A023058(through father/Sevier/Fuller)
  4. DOGGETT/DAGGETT, ELMORE - my 6th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR # A029305 (through Doggett/Scott)
  5. DOGGETT/DAGGETT, JOHN - TBA (through Doggett/Scott)
  6. FITZHUGH, PEREGRINE- my 4th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR # A040212 (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  7. FITZHUGH, WILLIAM - my 5th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR  #A040224/A040226 (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  8. FULLER SR., ALEXANDER HENRY (1764-1844)- my 4th Great Grandfather - TBA (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  9. JACKSON, DRURY - my 5th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A060945
  10. JACKSON SR., JOSHUA- my 6th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A061183
  11. MILLER, DAVID - my 6th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR # - confirm
  12. SEVIER, JOHN - my 6th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A102092 (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  13. SEVIER JR., VALENTINE - my 7th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A102097 (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  14. SMITH, ELISHA- my 6th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A105225 (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  15. SMITH, PAUL- my 5th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A106597 (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  16. TAYLOR II, JAMES- my 8th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A112616 (Doggett/Scott)
  17. WHEELOCK, ELEAZOR - my 5th Great Grandfather DAR ANCESTOR #A124079 (father/Sevier/Fuller)
  18. WILEY, JAMES RUTHERFORD 6th Great Grandfather - DAR ANCESTOR # A133281 (father/Sevier/Fuller)



PLEASE NOTE:  This lineage flowchart is through my fathers Richard Hill's father's line of Fuller Caswell Fitzhugh Randolph Lineage - not Doggett Scott or Haynie - this is for my sister, and all the grandchildren/great grandchild of Richard (aka my Dad).

President Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826) is my 2nd cousin through my 4th great grand uncle's wife

Jane Randolph (1720 - 1776) is the Mother of President Thomas Jefferson

Isham Randolph (1685 - 1742) is the Father of Jane Randolph

William Randolph (1650 - 1711) is the Father of Isham Randolph

Colonel William Randolph (1681 - 1742) is the Son of William Randolph

Cololnel Peter Randolph (1717 - 1767) is the Son of Colonel William Randolph

Anne Bolling Randolph (1791 - ) is the Daughter of Colonel Peter Randolph

William Frisby Fitzhugh (1761 - 1839) is the Husband of Anne Bolling Randolph

William Fitzhugh (1720 - 1798) is the Father of William Frisby Fitzhugh

Peregrine "Perry" Fitzhugh was wounded by bayonet during battle in the American Revolutionary War, holding an officer's post.  He suffered from battle wounds until his death.  He was pulled in to Washington's "Family" and served as an Aide de Camp to President George Washington (1759 - 1811).  Peregrine is the Son of William Fitzhugh

Bennett Chew Fitzhugh (1794 - 1866) is the Son of Peregrine Fitzhugh

Elizabeth Catherine Fitzhugh (1824 - 1912) is the Daughter of Bennett Chew Fitzhugh

Katherine Fitzhugh Caswell (1863 - 1929) is the Daughter of Elizabeth Catherine Fitzhugh

Robert Sevier Fuller (1901 - 1986) is the Son of Katherine Fitzhugh Caswell

Richard Scott Hill (1942 - ) is the Son of Robert Sevier Fuller**

Debra Frieden is the daughter of Richard Scott

**Richard was born to Robert Sevier Fuller, and later adopted by stepfather Thomas Gardner Hill when he was 11 years old.


Richard E. Doggett
CSA Private in K Company, 9th Mississippi Infantry, Richard E. Doggett was born on the 8th of December 1838, in GA.  He died on the 18th of April 1863, Chattanooga, TN, while serving in the Confederate Army.  Richard was a Private in K Co., 9th Mississippi Infantry.

LeRoy Benjamin "L.B." Doggett
CSA Private LeRoy Benjamin "L.B." Doggett enlisted on 6/18/1861 as a Private, he mustered into "C" Co. VA 30th Infantry.  From 8/18/1861 - 7/23/1861 he was a Mail Agent for the Regiment.  He was discharged on 7/1/1862. After the war he moved to Chicago, Illinois. 

He was Born January 11th 1820, in Spotsylvania County, Virginia He died in Cook County, Chicago, Illinois in March of 1899.  Buried in Confederate Cemetery Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg City, Virginia, USA in Plot: Section 1, Lot 21, Grave 1

He was the brother of Hugh S. Doggett and father of O.J. Doggett.  He was in business with his son, L.B.Doggett "L.B.Doggett &Son", which was a wholesale and retail dealer of groceries




President Zachary Taylor (1784 - 1850) is Debra's 2nd cousin 7x removed

Richard Lee Taylor (1742 - 1829) is the Father of President Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor (1707 - 1768) is the Father of Richard Lee Taylor

James Taylor (1675 - 1729) is the Father of Zachary Taylor

Margaret Taylor (1720 - 1749) is the Daughter of James Taylor

Joshua Jackson (1726 - 1810) Revolutionary War Patriot: DAR Ancestor#: A061183 is the Son of Margaret Taylor

Private Drury Jackson (1754 - 1828) Revolutionary War Patriot is the Son of Joshua Jackson

Tomsey Jackson (1785 - 1850) is the Daughter of Drury Jackson

Tabitha Lockhart (1814 - 1889) is the Daughter of Tomsey Jackson

William T. Scott (1838 - 1889) is the Son of Tabitha Lockhart

Hugh Doggett Scott (1873 - 1952) is the Son of William T. Scott CSA

Alice Mitchell Scott (1910 - 1982) is the Daughter of Hugh Doggett Scott

Richard Hill is the son of Alice Scott

Debra Frieden <---me - the daughter of Richard


Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850) was the 12th President of the United States and an American military leader. Initially uninterested in politics, Taylor nonetheless ran as a Whig in the 1848 presidential election, defeating Lewis Cass. Taylor was the last President to hold slaves while in office, and the last Whig to win a presidential election.
Known as "Old Rough and Ready," Taylor had a forty-year military career in the United States Army, serving in the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, and the Second Seminole War. He achieved fame leading American troops to victory in the Battle of Palo Alto and the Battle of Monterrey during the Mexican–American War. As president, Taylor angered many Southerners by taking a moderate stance on the issue of slavery. He urged settlers in New Mexico and California to bypass the territorial stage and draft constitutions for statehood, setting the stage for the Compromise of 1850. Taylor died just 16 months into his term, the third shortest tenure of any President. He is thought to have died of gastroenteritis. Only Presidents William Henry Harrison and James Garfield served less time. Taylor was succeeded by his Vice President, Millard Fillmore.
Early life Zachary Taylor was born on a farm[2] on November 24, 1784, in Orange County, Virginia, to a prominent[3] family of planters.[4] He was the youngest of three sons in a family of nine children.[2] His mother was Sarah Strother Taylor,[5] and his father, Richard Taylor, had served with George Washington during the American Revolution.[3] Taylor was a descendant of Elder William Brewster,[6][7][8][9] the Pilgrim colonist leader and spiritual elder of the Plymouth Colony, and passenger aboard the Mayflower and one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact; Isaac Allerton Jr.,[10][11][12][13][14][15][16] the son of Mayflower Pilgrim Isaac Allerton and Fear Brewster. He was a 1650 graduate of Harvard College and was a merchant in Colonial America; first in business with his father in New England, and after his father's death, in Virginia. He was a Burgess for Northumberland County and a Councillor of Virginia. He became a member of the Virginia militia and ultimately rose to the rank of colonel; James Madison was Taylor's second cousin, and both Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Robert E. Lee were kinsmen.[17] During his youth, he lived on the frontier in Louisville, Kentucky, residing in a small cabin in a wood during most of his childhood, before moving to a brick house as a result of his family's increased prosperity.[4] He shared the house with seven brothers and sisters, and his father owned 10,000 acres (40 km2), town lots in Louisville, and twenty-six slaves by 1800.[4] Since there were no schools on the Kentucky frontier, Taylor had only a basic education growing up, provided by tutors his father hired from time to time.[2] He was reportedly a poor student; his handwriting, spelling, and grammar were described as "crude and unrefined throughout his life."[4] When Taylor was older, he decided to join the military.[4]
Military career On May 3, 1808, Taylor joined the U.S. Army, receiving a commission as a first lieutenant of the Seventh Infantry Regiment from his cousin James Madison. He was ordered west into Indiana Territory, and was promoted to captain in November 1810. He assumed command of Fort Knox when the commandant fled, and maintained command until 1814.[18]
During the War of 1812, Taylor successfully defended Fort Harrison in Indiana Territory, from an attack by Indians under the command of Shawnee chief Tecumseh.[2] As a result, Taylor was promoted to the temporary rank of major,[2] and led the 7th Infantry in a campaign ending in the Battle of Wild Cat Creek. Taylor was also commander of the short-lived Fort Johnson (1814), the last toehold of the U.S. Army in the upper Mississippi River Valley until it was abandoned[19] and Taylor's troops retreated to Fort Cap au Gris. Reduced to the rank of captain when the war ended in 1814, he resigned from the army, but reentered it after he was commissioned again as a major a year later.[2] In 1819, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and was promoted to full colonel in 1832.[2]
In late 1821, stationed with what was remaining of the 7th Infantry at Bay St. Louis on the Gulf Coast, Lieutenant Colonel Taylor, received orders from General Gaines to "take his troops up the Red River to the vicinity of Natchitoches, Louisiana for the purpose of locating a new post more convenient to the Sabine River frontier. In March of 1822, Colonel Taylor took command of Fort Jesup, a small point--originally called Shield's Spring--of high ground some twenty-five miles south-southwest of Natchitoches. Colonel Taylor occupied Ft. Jesup during the entirety of its existence--from 1822 until 1846. Charged with maintaining an American presence in the Neutral Strip between Louisiana and Spanish Texas, Ft. Jesup housed Colonel Taylor's "Army of Observation", the 3rd Infantry, and the 2nd Dragoons. Ft. Jesup provided a staging ground for the coming Mexican-American War[20][21]
Taylor led the 1st Infantry Regiment in the Black Hawk War of 1832, personally accepting the surrender of Chief Black Hawk.[2] In 1837, he was directed to Florida, where he defeated the Seminole Indians on Christmas Day, and afterwards was promoted to brigadier general and given command of all American troops in Florida.[2] He was made commander of the southern division of the United States Army in 1841.[2]
Mexican-American War In 1845, Texas became a U.S. state, and President James K. Polk directed Taylor to deploy into disputed territory on the Texas-Mexico border,[4] under the order to defend the state against any attempts by Mexico to take it back after it had lost control by 1836.[2] Taylor was given command of American troops on the Rio Grande[22], the Army of Occupation, on April 23, 1845. When some of Taylor's men were attacked by Mexican forces near the river, Polk told Congress in May 1846 that a war between Mexico and the United States had started by an act of the former.[4] That same month, Taylor commanded American forces at the Battle of Palo Alto, using superior artillery to defeat the significantly larger Mexican opposition.[4] In September, Taylor was able to inflict heavy casualties upon the Mexican defenders at the Battle of Monterrey.[4] The city of Monterrey was considered "un-destroyable".[4] He was criticized for not ensuring the Mexican army that surrendered at Monterrey disbanded.[4] Afterwards, half of Taylor's army was ordered to join General Winfield Scott's soldiers as they besieged Veracruz.[4] Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna discovered, through a letter written by Scott to Taylor that had been intercepted by the Mexicans, that Taylor had only 6,000 men, many of whom were not regular army soldiers, and resolved to defeat him.[4] Santa Anna attacked Taylor with 20,000 men at the Battle of Buena Vista in February 1847, inflicting 672 American casualties at a cost of 1,800 Mexican.[4] As a result, Santa Anna left the field of battle.[4]
Buena Vista turned Taylor into a hero, and he was compared to George Washington and Andrew Jackson in the American popular press.[4] Stories were reportedly told about "his informal dress, the tattered straw hat on his head, and the casual way he always sat on top of his beloved horse, "Old Whitey," while shots buzzed around his head".[4]
Election of 1848 In his capacity as a career officer, Taylor had never reportedly revealed his political beliefs before 1848, nor voted before that time.[23] He thought of himself as an independent, believing in a strong and sound banking system for the country, and thought that Andrew Jackson should not have allowed the Second Bank of the United States to collapse in 1836.[23] He believed it was impractical to talk about expanding slavery into the western areas of the United States, as he concluded that neither cotton nor sugar (both were produced in great quantities as a result of slavery) could be easily grown there through a plantation economy.[23] He was also a firm nationalist, and due to his experience of seeing many people die as a result of warfare, he believed that secession was not a good way to resolve national problems.[23] Taylor, although he did not agree with their stand on protective tariffs and expensive internal improvements, aligned himself with Whig Party governing policies; the President should not be able to veto a law, unless that law was against the Constitution of the United States; that the office should not interfere with Congress, and that the power of collective decision-making, as well as the Cabinet, should be strong.[23]
After the American victory at Buena Vista, "Old Rough and Ready" political clubs were formed which supported Taylor for President, although no one knew for sure what his political beliefs were.[23] Taylor declared, as the 1848 Whig Party convention approached, that he had always been a Whig in principle, but he did consider himself a Jeffersonian-Democrat.[23] Many southerners believed that Taylor supported slavery, and its expansion into the new territory absorbed from Mexico, and some were angered when Taylor suggested that if he were elected President he would not veto the Wilmot Proviso, which proposed against such an expansion.[23] This position did not enhance his support from activist antislavery elements in the Northern United States, as these wanted Taylor to speak out strongly in support of the Proviso, not simply fail to veto it.[23] Most abolitionists did not support Taylor, since he was a slave-owner.[23] Many southerners also knew that Taylor supported states' rights, and was opposed to protective tariffs and government spending for internal improvements.[23] The Whigs hoped that he put the federal union of the United States above all else.[23]
Taylor received the Whig nomination for President in 1848. Millard Fillmore of Cayuga County, New York was chosen as the Vice Presidential nominee. His homespun ways and his status as a war hero were political assets. Taylor defeated Lewis Cass, the Democratic candidate, and Martin Van Buren, the Free Soil candidate. Taylor was the last Southerner to be elected president until Lyndon Johnson,[24] 116 years later in 1964.
Taylor ignored the Whig platform, as historian Michael Holt explains:
Taylor was equally indifferent to programs Whigs had long considered vital. Publicly, he was artfully ambiguous, refusing to answer questions about his views on banking, the tariff, and internal improvements. Privately, he was more forthright. The idea of a national bank 'is dead, and will not be revived in my time.' In the future the tariff "will be increased only for revenue"; in other words, Whig hopes of restoring the protective tariff of 1842 were vain. There would never again be surplus federal funds from public land sales to distribute to the states, and internal improvements 'will go on in spite of presidential vetoes.' In a few words, that is, Taylor pronounced an epitaph for the entire Whig economic program.[25]
Presidency Policies Although Taylor had subscribed to Whig principles of legislative leadership, he was not inclined to be a puppet of Whig leaders in Congress. He ran his administration in the same rule-of-thumb fashion with which he had fought Native Americans.
Under Taylor's administration, the United States Department of the Interior was organized, although the legislation authorizing the Department had been approved on President Polk's last day in office. He appointed former Treasury Secretary Thomas Ewing the first Secretary of the Interior.[26]
Slavery At the time Taylor became President, the issue of slavery in the western territories of the United States had come to dominate American political discourse, and debate between extreme pro and antislavery viewpoints had become very pronounced.[27] In 1849, he advised the residents of California, including the Mormons around Salt Lake, and the residents of New Mexico to create state constitutions and apply for statehood in December when Congress met.[27] He correctly predicted that these constitutions would state against slavery in California and New Mexico.[27] In December 1849, and January 1850, Taylor told Congress that it should allow them to become states, once their constitutions arrived in Washington D.C.[27] He also urged that there should not be an attempt to develop territorial governments for the two future states, since that might increase tension between pro and antislavery activists regarding a congressional prohibition of slavery in the territories.[27]
Foreign affairs Taylor and his Secretary of State, John M. Clayton, lacked much experience in foreign affairs before Taylor assumed the presidency, and Taylor was not directly involved in diplomacy or the development of American foreign policies.[28] Taylor's administration attempted to stop a filibustering expedition against Cuba, argued with France and Portugal over reparation disputes owed to the US, and supported German liberals during the revolutions of 1848.[28] The administration confronted Spain, which had arrested several Americans on the charge of piracy, and assisted the United Kingdom's search for a team of British explorers who had gotten lost in the Arctic.[28] The United States had planned to construct a canal across Nicaragua, but the British opposed the idea, arguing that they held a special status in neighboring Honduras.[28] In what was described by one source as Taylor's "most important foreign policy move", delicate negotiations were performed with Britain, and a "landmark agreement" was reached called the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.[28] Both Britain and the United States agreed not to claim control of any canal that might be built in Nicaragua.[28] The treaty is considered to have been an important step in the development of an Anglo-American alliance, and "effectively weakened U.S. commitment to Manifest Destiny as a formal policy while recognizing the supremacy of U.S. interests in Central America".[28] The creation of the treaty was Taylor's last act of state.[28]
The Compromise of 1850 The slavery issue dominated Taylor's short term. Although he owned slaves on his plantation in Louisiana,[29] he took a moderate stance on the territorial expansion of slavery, angering fellow Southerners. He told them that if necessary to enforce the laws, he personally would lead the Army. Persons "taken in rebellion against the Union, he would hang ... with less reluctance than he had hanged deserters and spies in Mexico." He never wavered. Henry Clay then proposed a complex Compromise of 1850. Taylor died as it was being debated. (The Clay version failed but another version did pass under the new president, Millard Fillmore.)

The true cause of Zachary Taylor's premature death is not fully established.[32] On July 4, 1850, after watching a groundbreaking ceremony for the Washington Monument during the Independence Day celebration, Taylor sought refuge from the oppressive heat by consuming a pitcher of milk and a bowl of cherries.[33]} At about 10:00 in the morning on July 9, 1850, very ill, Taylor called his wife to him and asked her not to weep, saying: "I have always done my duty, I am ready to die. My only regret is for the friends I leave behind me." Upon his sudden death on July 9, the cause was listed as gastroenteritis.[34] He was interred in the Public Vault (built in 1835 to hold remains of notables until either the gravesite could be prepared or transportation arranged to another city) of the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C. from July 13, 1850 to October 25, 1850. Taylor was then transported to the Taylor Family plot where his parents are buried, on the old Taylor homestead estate known as 'Springfield'. In 1883, the Commonwealth of Kentucky placed a fifty foot monument near Zachary Taylor's grave. It is topped by a life-sized statue of Zachary Taylor.
By the 1920s, the Taylor family initiated the effort to turn the Taylor burial grounds into a national cemetery. The Commonwealth of Kentucky donated two pieces of land for the project, turning the half-acre Taylor family cemetery into 16 acres (65,000 m2). There, buried in the Taylor family plot, Zachary Taylor and his wife (who died in 1852) remained, until he and his wife were moved to their final resting place on May 6, 1926 in the newly commissioned Taylor mausoleum (made of limestone with a granite base, with a marble interior), nearby. Today, President Taylor and wife Margaret rest in the mausoleum in Louisville, Kentucky, at what is now the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery.[35]
Exhumation of 1991 In the late 1980s, college professor and author Clara Rising hypothesized that Taylor was murdered by poison and was able to convince Taylor's closest living relative and the Coroner of Jefferson County, Kentucky, to order an exhumation.[36] On June 17, 1991, Taylor's remains were exhumed and transported to the Office of the Kentucky Chief Medical Examiner, where radiological studies were conducted and samples of hair, fingernail and other tissues were removed. The remains were then returned to the cemetery and received appropriate honors at reinterment. He was reinterred in the same mausoleum he had been interred in since 1926. A monolith was constructed next to the mausoleum later on. Neutron activation analysis conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory revealed arsenic levels several hundred times lower than they would have been if Taylor had been poisoned. [37] [38] Rather, it was concluded that on a hot July day Taylor had attempted to cool himself with large amounts of cherries and iced milk. “In the unhealthy climate of Washington, with its open sewers and flies, Taylor came down with cholera morbus, or acute gastroenteritis as it is now called.” He might have recovered, Samuel Eliot Morison felt, but his doctors “drugged him with ipecac, calomel, opium and quinine (at 40 grains a whack), and bled and blistered him too. On July 9, he gave up the ghost.”[39]
Assassination theories Despite these findings, assassination theories have not been entirely put to rest. Michael Parenti devoted a chapter in his 1999 book History as Mystery to "The Strange Death of Zachary Taylor," speculating that Taylor was assassinated because of his moderate stance on the expansion of slavery — and that his autopsy was botched. It is suspected that Taylor was deliberately assassinated by arsenic poisoning from one of the citizen-provided dishes he sampled during the Independence Day celebration.[32] Other dissenting historians claim as suspicious the facts that there were no eyewitness accounts of Taylor consuming cherries and milk on that day; that there are no confirmed cholera outbreaks in Washington in 1850; that Taylor's symptoms were not those of typhoid (spread by flies); that Taylor was not given the aforementioned drugs until he was already deathly sick, on the third day of his acute illness; and that Taylor was not bled until near death on the fifth and last day of his illness.[40]
Personal life In 1810, Taylor wed Margaret Smith, and they would have six children of whom the only son, Richard, would become a lieutenant general in the Confederate Army. [2] One of Taylor's daughters, Sarah Knox Taylor, decided to marry in 1835 Jefferson Davis, the future President of the Confederate States of America, who at that time was a lieutenant.[2] Taylor did not wish Sarah to marry him, and Taylor and Davis would not be reconciled until 1847 at the Battle of Buena Vista, where Davis distinguished himself as a colonel.[2] Sarah had died in 1835, three months into the marriage. [2] Another of Taylor's daughters, Margaret Anne, died of liver failure at age 33. Around 1841, Aria Taylor established a home at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and gained a large plantation and a great number of slaves.[2]
Taylor on US Postage The US Post Office released the first postage stamp issue honoring Zachary Taylor on June 21st 1875, a full 25 years after his death. In contrast, Lincoln first appeared on US postage stamps in 1866, only one year after his death while James Garfield would be honored with a postage stamp only seven months after his assassination. -- Sixty three years later, in 1938 Taylor would appear again on a US Postage stamp, this time on the 12-cent Presidential Issue of 1938. Taylor's last appearance (to date, 2010) on a US postage stamp occurred in 1986 when he was honored on the AMERIPEX presidential issue. After Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln, Zachary Taylor is the fifth American President to appear on US postage. In all there are three different postage issues that have honored Taylor. [41] See also: US Presidents on US postage stamps
Legacy It is contended that Taylor was not President long enough to cause a substantial impact on the office of the Presidency, or the United States, and that he is not remembered as a great President.[42]
The majority of historians believe that Taylor was too nonpolitical, considering he was in office at a time when being involved in politics required close ties with political operatives.[42] The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty is "recognized as an important step in [the] scaling down [of] the nation's commitment to Manifest Destiny as a policy."[42]
Taylor is one of only four presidents who did not have an opportunity to nominate a judge to serve on the Supreme Court. The other three presidents are William Henry Harrison, Andrew Johnson, and Jimmy Carter.[citation needed]
In 1995, Taylor was inducted into the Louisiana Political Museum and Hall of Fame in Winnfield, Louisiana, the honor bestowed on the only U.S. President to have lived in Louisiana.
Considering the shortness of his presidency, Taylor's most notable legacy may be that he was the last U.S. President to own slaves while holding the Office of the President of the United States, in 1850.
Surviving family
  • Taylor's son, Richard, became a Confederate Lieutenant General, while his daughter, Sarah Knox Taylor (1814–1835), married future Confederate President Jefferson Davis three months before her death of malaria. Richard Taylor's granddaughter, Anita Vincent Stauffer, married into the McIlheney family of Avery Island, Louisiana.
  • Taylor's brother, Joseph Pannell Taylor, was a Brigadier General in the Union Army during the Civil War. (Joseph P. Taylor's son Joseph Hancock Taylor was a US Colonel in the Civil War and was also a son-in-law of Union General Montgomery C. Meigs.)
  • Taylor's niece, Emily Ellison Taylor, was the wife of Confederate General Lafayette McLaws.
  • Ann Taylor's son, John Taylor Wood, a U.S. Navy officer, defected to the Confederate side and later fled to Canada during the Civil War; his great-grandson, Zachary Taylor Wood, was Acting RCMP Commissioner, great-grandson Lieutenant Charles Carroll Wood died from wounds suffered during the Anglo Boer War, great-great-grandson Stuart Taylor Wood was Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and great-great-great-grandsons (Cst. Herschel Wood and Supt. (Ret) John Taylor Wood served in the RCMP.

  1. ^ Taylor's term of service was scheduled to begin on March 4, 1849, but as this day fell on a Sunday, Taylor refused to be sworn in until the following day. Vice President Millard Fillmore was also not sworn in on that day. Most scholars believe that according to the U.S. Constitution, Taylor's term began on March 4, regardless of whether he had taken the oath or not.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Whitney, David C; Robin Vaughn Whitney (1993). The American Presidents. The Reader's Digest Association. p. 101. ISBN 1-56865-031-0.
  3. ^ a b Connor, Seymour V. "Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia: Taylor, Zachary". Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2010-10-20.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "Zachary Taylor: Life Before the Presidency". Miller Center of Public Affairs. Retrieved 2009-01-12.
  5. ^ Joyce, C. Alan (2009). The World Almanac and Book of Facts. NY: World Almanac Books. p. 520. ISBN 978-1-60057-105-3.
  6. ^ Jones, 251
  7. ^ Jones, 252
  8. ^ Jones, 253
  9. ^ Johnson, Caleb (2007). "Famous Descendants of Mayflower Passengers – Mayflower Ancestry of Zachary Taylor". Retrieved 2010-03-10.
  10. ^ Jones, 38
  11. ^ Merrick, 30
  12. ^ Merrick, 31
  13. ^ Merrick, 32
  14. ^ Merrick, 33
  15. ^ Merrick, 34
  16. ^ Merrick, 35
  17. ^ Hamilton, Holman. "Encyclopedia Americana: Taylor, Zachary". Encyclopedia Americana. Archived from the original on 2008-02-10. Retrieved 2009-01-12.
  18. ^ * Allison, Harold (©1986, Harold Allison). The Tragic Saga of the Indiana Indians. Turner Publishing Company, Paducah. pp. 89–90. ISBN 0-9380-2107-9.
  19. ^ Nolan, David J. (2009). "Fort Johnson, Cantonment Davis, and Fort Edwards". In William E. Whittaker. Frontier Forts of Iowa: Indians, Traders, and Soldiers, 1682–1862. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. pp. 85–94. ISBN 978-1-58729-831-8.
  20. ^ * Middelton, HF. (1973). Frontier outpost: a history of Fort Jesup, Louisiana, 1822-1846. (Thesis). Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 46–53.
  21. ^ Gaines to Taylor, Special Orders No. 19, March 28, 1827, LS, Hq. West Dept., Vol I, 281; Hamilton, Zachary Taylor, 71; J. Fair Hardin, "Fort Jesup-Fort Selden-Camp Sabine-Camp Salubrity: Four Forgotten Frontier Army Posts of Western Louisiana, " Louisiana Historical Quarterly, XVI, (January-October, 1933), 1-26.
  22. ^ The American Presidents. p. 102.
  23. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Zachary Taylor: Campaigns and Elections". Miller Center of Public Affairs. Retrieved 2009-01-08.
  24. ^ Andrew Johnson became president through succession rather than election. Woodrow Wilson was born in Virginia, but his home and political base were in New Jersey.
  25. ^ Holt 1999 p 272
  26. ^ Holt, Michael. "Thomas Ewing (1849–1850): Secretary of the Interior". American President. University of Virginia. Retrieved 21 December 2010.
  27. ^ a b c d e "Zachary Taylor: Domestic Affairs". Miller Center of Public Affairs. Retrieved 2009-01-14.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h "Zachary Taylor: Foreign Affairs". Miller Center of Public Affairs. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
  29. ^ For the latter part of his life Taylor considered Louisiana his home
  30. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on December 21, 1849, confirmed by the United States Senate on August 2, 1850, and received commission on August 2, 1850.
  31. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on December 21, 1849, confirmed by the United States Senate on June 10, 1850, and received commission on June 10, 1850.
  32. ^ a b Parenti, Michael (September 1999). History as Mystery. City Light Books. p. 304. ISBN 9780872863576.
  33. ^ "INGERSOLL, Jared, (1749 - 1822)". University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs. Retrieved 2 November 2010.
  34. ^ "Biography of Zachary Taylor" from The White House
  35. ^ Zachary Taylor at Find A Grave
  36. ^ McLeod, Michael (July 25, 1993). "Clara Rising, Ex-uf Prof Who Got Zachary Taylor Exhumed". Orlando Sentinel.
  37. ^ The New York Times, “Verdict In: 12th President Was Not Assassinated,” June 27, 1991; "President Zachary Taylor and the Laboratory: Presidential Visit from the Grave" from Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  38. ^ "President Zachary Taylor and the Laboratory: Presidential Visit from the Grave". Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Retrieved 2 November 2010.
  39. ^ The New York Times, “Scandal and the Heat Did Taylor In,” July 4, 1991.
  40. ^ Hamilton Smith, "The Interpretation of the Arsenic Content of Human Hair," Journal of the Forensic Science Society, vol. 4, summarized in Sten Forshufvud and Ben Weider, Assassination at St. Helena (Vancouver, Canada: Mitchell Press, 1978).
  41. ^ Scotts Identifier of US Definitive Issues
  42. ^ a b c "Zachary Taylor: Impact and Legacy". Miller Center of Public Affairs. Retrieved 2009-01-12.
Further reading
  • Bauer, Jack K. Zachary Taylor: Soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest. Louisiana State University Press: 1993 ISBN 0807118516
  • The Brewster Genealogy, 1566–1907: a Record of the Descendants of William Brewster of the "Mayflower," ruling elder of the Pilgrim church which founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. by Emma C. Brewster Jones, New York: Grafton Press. 1908
  • Hamilton, Holman. Zachary Taylor: Soldier of the Republic (1941) vol 1
  • Hamilton, Holman. Zachary Taylor: Soldier in the White House (1951) vol 2
  • Holt, Michael F; The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and the Onset of the Civil War. (1999)
  • Otto, Julie Helen; Roberts, Gary Boyd (1995). Ancestors of American Presidents. Santa Clarita, Calif: New England Historic Genealogical Society. ISBN 0-936124-19-9.
  • Silbey, Joel H. Party Over Section: The Rough and Ready Presidential Election of 1848 (2009), 205 pp.
  • Smith, Elbert B. The Presidencies of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore. University Press of Kansas: 1988. ISBN 070060362X
  • List of United States Presidents who died in office


On July 4, 1850, President Zachary Taylor was diagnosed by his physicians with cholera morbus, a term that included diarrhea and dysentery but not true cholera. Cholera, typhoid fever, and food poisoning have all been indicated as the source of the president's ultimately fatal gastroenteritis. More specifically, a hasty snack of iced milk, cold cherries and pickled cucumbers (pickles) consumed at an Independence Day celebration might have been the culprit.[42] By July 9, Taylor was dead.
In the late 1980s, author Clara Rising theorized that Taylor was murdered by poison and was able to convince Taylor's closest living relative, as well as the Jefferson County, Kentucky Coroner, Dr. Richard Greathouse, to order an exhumation. On June 17, 1991 Taylor's remains were exhumed from the vault at the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, in Louisville, Kentucky. The remains were then transported to the Office of the Kentucky Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. George Nichols. Nichols, joined by Dr. William Maples, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, removed the top of the lead coffin liner to reveal remarkably well preserved human remains that were immediately recognizable as those of President Taylor. Radiological studies were conducted of the remains before small samples of hair, fingernail and other tissues were removed. Thomas Secoy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (and a direct descendant of Taylor's Democratic presidential opponent Lewis Cass), ensured that only those samples required for testing were removed and that the coffin was resealed. The remains were then returned to the cemetery and received appropriate honors at reinterment. The samples were sent to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where neutron activation analysis revealed traces of arsenic at levels less than one one-hundredth of the level expected in a death by poisoning.[43]
Zachary Taylor